Pagefind UI configuration options

These options configure Pagefind UI itself. Any extra keys in this object will be passed on to configure the Pagefind search API.


new PagefindUI({ element: "#search" });

A selector for the HTML element to attach Pagefind UI to. This is the only required argument.

#Page size

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    pageSize: 5

The number of search results to load at once, before a “Load more” button is shown. Defaults to 5.

#Show sub results

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    showSubResults: true

Whether to show nested results for each heading within a matching page. Defaults to false.
If true, a maximum of three will be shown per result.

#Show images

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    showImages: false

Whether to show an image alongside each search result. Defaults to true.

#Excerpt length

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    excerptLength: 15

Set the maximum length for generated excerpts. Defaults to 30, or 12 if showing sub results.

#Process term

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    processTerm: function (term) {
        return term.replace(/aa/g, 'ā');

Provides a function that Pagefind UI calls before performing a search. This can be used to normalize search terms to match your content. The result will not be shown to the user, in the above example the search input would still display aa.

#Process result

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    processResult: function (result) {
        result.meta.image = someCustomFunction(result.meta.image);
        return result;

Provides a function that Pagefind UI calls before displaying each result. This can be used to fix relative URLs, rewrite titles, or any other modifications you might like to make to the raw result object returned by Pagefind.

#Show empty filters

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    showEmptyFilters: true

By default, Pagefind UI shows filters with no results alongside the count (0). Pass false to hide filters that have no remaining results.

#Open filters

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    openFilters: ['Tags','Type']

The default behavior of the filter display is to show values only when there is one filter with six or fewer values. When you include a filter name in openFilters it will open by default, regardless of the number of filters or values present.

#Reset styles

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    resetStyles: false

By default, Pagefind UI applies a CSS reset to itself. Pass false to omit this and inherit from your site styles.

#Bundle path

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    bundlePath: "/subpath/pagefind/"

Overrides the bundle directory. In most cases this should be automatically detected from the URL of pagefind-ui.js. Set this if search isn’t working and you are seeing a console warning that this path could not be detected.

#Debounce user input

new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    debounceTimeoutMs: 500

The number of milliseconds to wait after a user stops typing before performing a search. Defaults to 300. If you wish to disable this, set to 0.


new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    translations: {
        placeholder: "Search my website",
        zero_results: "Couldn't find [SEARCH_TERM]"

A set of custom ui strings to use instead of the automatically detected language strings. See the translations/en.json file for all available keys and their initial values.

The items in square brackets such as SEARCH_TERM will be substituted dynamically when the text is used.


new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    autofocus: true 

Enabling autofocus automatically directs attention to the search input field for enhanced user convenience, particularly beneficial when the UI is loaded within a modal dialog. However, exercise caution, as using autofocus indiscriminately may pose potential accessibility challenges.


new PagefindUI({
    element: "#search",
    sort: { date: "desc" }

Passes sort options to Pagefind for ranking. Note that using a sort will override all ranking by relevance.

The object passed to this option must match the sort config for the JS API.